2024年春季COVID更新 01.22.24



欢迎回来! 我们希望你度过了一个充满活力的寒假,并准备好迎接新年带来的激动人心的挑战. 

As we commence the second half of the academic year, our top priority remains the health 和 safety of our community. 我们希望让您随时了解新冠肺炎对我们协议和指南的最新更新. 请 take a moment to review the following information:


  1. 屏蔽: 使用医用级口罩进行遮盖(例如.g., KN95) is still recommended considering the current 国家 increase in infections, 但屏蔽不是必需的. Surgical masks 和 KN95 masks are available across campus, 包括教务长办公室, 学生事务处, 金色学生中心, 人力资源, 和设施. 教师 may continue to require masks in classrooms at their discretion.
  2. 测试程序: COVID tests for staff 和 faculty are available through HR, 设施, 以及教务长办公室. Tests are also available through Pitzer-sponsored medical insurance plans. 工作人员 和 faculty may test at home or off campus. 阳性结果必须在24小时内使用新的智能表链接报告给HR: Covid暴露-自我报告表格以下表格提交, 人力资源部将就5天隔离期和他们可用的额外资源向个人提供建议.
  3. 疫苗接种的更新: All faculty 和 staff must be up to date with their COVID vaccinations, 这意味着他们已经接种了所有剂量的初级疫苗系列和至少一种加强疫苗. 请联络人力资源部((电子邮件保护)),如果您对此有疑问或需要医疗或宗教豁免.
  4. 报告的症状: If you experience any COVID or flu like symptoms, please contact your supervisor. Swift action to mitigate potential risks 和 protect our community is expected.
  5. 持续的卫生措施: H和 sanitizing stations will remain throughout campus 和 within buildings. Disinfecting wipes will be available for classrooms. 请通过定期洗手和擦拭表面来帮助Pitzer保持安全和健康.g., printers, keyboards before 和 after use) 和 shared community areas. Let’s all continue to encourage 和 model these behaviors for our students.

你遵守这些安全协议是维护一个安全和健康的校园环境的工具. 你总能找到最新的 L.A. 县公共卫生部门最新消息 在他们的网站. 如果你有任何问题或疑虑,请不要犹豫,联系人力资源部.

Thank you for your dedication to the well-being of our community, 和 we look forward to a successful 和 healthy second half of the school year!


Safety 和 应急准备 Coordinator

春季2024学生COVID-19更新 01.17.24


We hope the start of the spring semester has gone well!

As we commence the second half of the academic year, our top priority remains the health 和 safety of our community. 我们希望让您随时了解新冠肺炎对我们协议和指南的最新更新. 请 take a moment to review the following information:

  1. 测试程序: 2024年春季开始, COVID-19检测只能在学生健康服务中心通过实验室进行. 请查看 她的网站 for more information about setting up a lab appointment.  Students may also test at home or off-campus. Positive results must be reported immediately via email to (电子邮件保护)Swift action to mitigate potential risks 和 protect our community is expected.
  2. 阳性检测方案更新由于最新的洛杉矶县指南, 测试呈阳性的学生的流程如下(立即生效):

·         Students who test positive with Covid will need to email (电子邮件保护)


·如果学生有症状, 学生被要求在CCA隔离,直到他们从SHS被清除并返回他们的房间.  The duration of the isolation is dependent on the duration of the symptoms.  Students will only be released from isolation with clearance from SHS.  一旦解除隔离,学生在与他人接触时需要戴上口罩10天.  *Failure to comply with isolation may result in a judicial conduct process.

  1. 疫苗接种的更新: 如果您希望收到2023年秋季发布的最新辉瑞和Moderna疫苗, please set-up a vaccination appointment through 学生健康服务. Although not a requirement, it is highly encouraged for protection against COVID-19. All Pitzer students were required to be up to date with their COVID vaccinations, 这意味着他们已经接种了所有剂量的初级疫苗系列和至少一种加强疫苗. 如果您对这一期望有疑问或需要医疗或宗教豁免,请联系学生事务部.
  2. 屏蔽: 使用医用级口罩进行遮盖(例如.g., KN95) is still recommended considering the current 国家 increase in infections, 但屏蔽不是必需的. Surgical masks 和 KN95 masks are available across campus, 包括教务长办公室, 学生事务处, 金色学生中心, 人力资源, 和设施. 教师 may continue to require masks in classrooms at their discretion.
  3. 持续的卫生措施: H和 sanitizing stations will remain throughout campus 和 within buildings. Disinfecting wipes will be available for classrooms 和 at the ResLife office. 请通过定期洗手和擦拭表面来帮助Pitzer保持安全和健康.g., printers, keyboards before 和 after use) 和 shared community areas. Let’s all continue to encourage 和 model these behaviors for our students.

遵守这些安全协议有助于为每个人维护一个安全和健康的学习环境. For more information regarding LA County’s Public Health updates, you may visit http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/coronavirus/guidances.htm

如果您有任何问题或疑虑, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the 学生事务处. 

Thank you for your dedication to the well-being of our community, 和 we look forward to a successful 和 healthy second half of the school year!


1050 N. 米尔斯大街.斯科特·霍尔120

〇学生COVID-19检测 01.16.24


  • 首次到校前3-5天完成到达前PCR COVID检测(有出入障碍的学生应通知) (电子邮件保护) 事先获得访问支持). 如果你的测试呈阳性, 我们要求你们就地隔离,在检测呈阴性之前不要返回校园.

If you test positive after you have checked-in to the halls, please notify (电子邮件保护) 联系SHS. 所有有症状的学生和被确定为“密切接触者”的学生都必须遵守学生健康服务的指示参加检测.

Symptomatic students MUST test by no later than 48 hours from the onset of symptoms.


学生健康服务 will be coordinating on-campus testing 和 vaccine access.

测试时间如下所列 学生健康服务. Testing can be done at any time during testing hours, appointments are not required.

请不要吃, 喝, 烟, brush your teeth or apply lipstick/chapstick 60 minutes prior to your test. 请 watch these video instructions prior to arriving at SHS (http://rise.善于表达.com/share/-q6MdIeo2V42boWuOGTu8i4- cT9E_pjy).

More information can be found here (http://services.claremont.edu/covid/).

猴痘更新和信息- 08.19.22



秋季学期就要开始了, 我们希望分享有关全国猴痘疫情的信息和资源, which the Biden administration has declared a 国家 public health emergency. Pitzer,与 学生健康服务 at 克莱蒙特学院, is closely monitoring the situation. Pitzer学院每周与洛杉矶县公共卫生部(LACDPH)的公共卫生专家一起参加高等教育专题简报会。. 

请访问匹泽 通路前进 网站提供最新资讯和资源,包括:

就像COVID-19大流行一样, 我们预计猴痘的公共卫生指南和协议将继续发展. Pitzer将继续与SHS和县合作,帮助保持校园社区的知情和尽可能的安全.


劳拉一个. 特伦德尔,注册会计师,MBA
副总裁,首席运营官 & 财务主管

艾伦米. Omoto博士
负责学术事务的副校长 & 学院院长


Monkeypox Update from 克莱蒙特推荐十大正规网赌网站中心 - 08.05.22

你们可能都知道, 拜登政府宣布猴痘为美国的突发公共卫生事件.S. 2022年8月4日. 加州和洛杉矶县最近也发表了类似的声明.

First, I would like to share with you a few current facts regarding monkeypox:

  • 猴痘是一种病毒感染
  • 截至8月4日, 2022, 已经有超过6个了,600 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the continental U.S. 和波多黎各
  • 虽然这是一个令人担忧的原因, 值得庆幸的是, monkeypox is rarely fatal 和 no deaths have been reported in the U.S. 到目前为止. 然而, 在目前的疫情爆发期间,全球已有8人死于这种疾病, primarily in Africa 和 other regions where the health systems aren’t as robust
  • 早期症状可能包括发烧、肌肉疼痛、头痛、淋巴结肿大、疲惫. 还可能出现皮疹, often beginning on the face 和 then spreading to other parts of the body, 包括手, 脚, 眼睛, 口腔和/或生殖器. This rash can sometimes be quite painful in nature
  • 感染可以从症状开始传播,直到皮疹完全愈合,形成一层新的皮肤, 通常2-4周
  • 目前的传播/传播主要是通过密切的个人接触,通常是皮肤对皮肤的接触
  • There is no specific treatment for monkeypox virus infections. Treatment for monkeypox infection is mainly supportive care (e.g., easing the symptoms by taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen for fever or pain)
  •  然而, since monkeypox virus 和 smallpox virus are genetically similar, 为预防天花而开发的抗病毒药物和疫苗有时可用于治疗和预防猴痘病毒感染, 目前只针对高危人群
  • Vaccine supplies to prevent monkeypox remain limited currently. 洛杉矶县公共卫生部已制定优先标准,向尽可能多的猴痘高危人群接种第一剂疫苗. When supply improves, they will make second doses available. 目前,学生健康服务等私人诊所还没有提供疫苗

As with the last public health emergency declared in the U.S. 2020年1月,为应对COVID-19, 克莱蒙特学院的学生健康服务中心(SHS)将继续密切监测这一情况,并与洛杉矶县公共卫生部门的当地公共卫生官员保持联系,定期更新最新情况. SHS当前响应包括:

  • Keeping our staff up to date on the latest monkeypox information
  • 与我们的实验室合作伙伴保持更新,了解从可疑病变中收集和提交样本进行测试的正确方法
  • 创建一个 网页 提供更详细和定期更新的信息,使校园社区了解猴痘的情况
  • Reinforcing proper cleaning 和 hygiene habits, both within our department as well as across the consortium

Prateek Jindal, DO



Link to update on 学生健康服务 site