Inter国家 Exchanges – Germany: Bard Abroad in Berlin

Open to Pitzer students only. Program options subject to change.

Program Title: Pitzer Exchange with Bard Abroad in Berlin

Location: Berlin, Germany

Host Website: http://www.吟游诗人.edu/吟游诗人inberlin/about/

Bard College requires participants to have a minimum GPA of 3.0. Preference is given to juniors and first semester seniors but qualified sophomores are eligible only if space is available.

At least one area studies course is strongly recommended. Additional preparation: Language, Culture and Society; Intercultural Communications; Introduction to Inter国家/ Intercultural Studies; Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology

Students must first apply through Pitzer’s Office of Study Abroad and Inter国家 项目. If accepted by Pitzer, students will then be asked to complete the Bard application.

Program Dates
Fall semester: Late August to late December
Spring semester: Mid-January to the end of May

Required Courses
Participants are required to take a full course load including at least one course with content on German history, 政治, literature or culture and a German language course. In addition, students take the Pitzer course MLLC110 Intercultural Learning: Portfolio Writing 通过酒井法子.

Intensive Language
Pitzer students are required to take a German language course.

Credit Possible
Students are required to take a total of 16 semester credits, which is usually achieved by taking four courses, in order to earn four course credits at Pitzer. In addition, students will earn 0.5 Pitzer course credits for the writing course 通过酒井法子. (See above under Required Courses.)

Course Options
Bard in Berlin offers two program options for exchange students; Arts and Society in Berlin, and LAB: Liberal Arts Berlin. Please consult the Bard College Berlin website for more information on these program options.

Students may apply to participate in an internship, which is comprised of the internship and the internship course. Internship placements are competitive.

Housing and Board Options
Bard Abroad in Berlin students live in shared double rooms in apartments on campus. Meals are provided in the campus cafeteria.